"Our Greatest Wealth is Our Health"
Many people in the Black community suffer in silence, especially due to the stigma around mental health. We are told to be strong, to pray about it, to be resilient, to be courageous. This adds to our burdens to survive. We are told to keep what happens in our house in our house. We are almost shamed or embarrassed when we think of reaching out to a professional for help.
The source of healing in the black community has been the church. The church has been the place that you lay down your burdens and relieve your stresses. Honestly the church identifies the people that have needs, and can be used as a resource but in some cases people still need a health professionals care.
By not seeking professional help we are not healing our families. We keep living in cycles of dysfunction and generational trauma/ curses. We don’t know what it looks like to identify our mental health needs because we are not taught to talk about this. We have to do a better job of viewing mental health as our physical health. Our bodies are connected mentally, physically, and emotionally, so when one part is off all parts become imbalanced. We are mind, body and spirit, and we have to make sure we keep all aligned.

Black mental health does not look the same as white mental health. You have to look at the impacts of slavery.
By examining the American systems set in place to promote racial inequality, while highlighting the violent history of slavery and the cascading effect of intergenerational trauma, there is an immense need to promote healing. This includes changing the racist narratives that America has shaped around the world of the cultural identities and values of African Americans.